Energy management has different connotations depending on whether you are on supply side or the demand side.
On the supply side, rapid urbanization and ever-increasing economic activities all around, has resulted in power generation utilities as well as distribution companies rethink their grid connectivity and distribution model. Geographical, hardware and climatic variations add in to the already complex demand for reliability and resiliency. New innovative techniques need to be adapted to build and ensure reliable, resilient sustainable energy supply to the consumers.
On the demand side, the key challenges are assuring consumers of reliable and non- disruptive power supply 24 hours a day. Alternate renewable energy, expanding rapidly, adds complexity. Big companies are now looking at setting up their own micro-grids to ensure reliable supply. Auto detection and monitoring potential failure points are now critical requirements of an increasingly complex demand side.
fThese disruptions, though challenging, are throwing up lots of opportunities for innovation in the energy generation, distribution as well as the management space. Data collection, analytics and monitoring plays a vital role when it comes to energy management. Energy management can be defined as data/ analytics driven proactive, organized and SMART management of energy distribution or use to meet economic and in most cases, environmental goals of the entity as well.
Principles applicable to energy management:
- Know your requirement/ usage, its impact to business goals, identify core KPIs/ goals
- Measuring and collecting energy usage information
- Identifying opportunities to optimize usage and maximize investments into energy
- Implement changes and monitor parameters that help achieve the KPIs
Green Quest team can be your premier partner in reviewing your energy usage with IOT driven sensors and monitors, guide optimization efforts with data analytics driven algorithm and assist in monitoring of the entire energy management setup.
Technology and data analytics of both internal and external elements, is critical to meet the energy KPIs. Green Quest provides centralized solutions across the energy eco-system including data monitoring tools and AI/ Machine Learning driven analytical algorithms to help optimize energy utilization and achieve the objectives.